I am so humbled to announce that this Friday – three pieces of my work will be displayed in the group show at Beta Pictoris Gallery called “Pulp” – works on paper/ works with paper. I have two 2-dimensional pieces and one hanging sculpture included in the show. There are so many wonderfully talented artists in this show – it is going to be absolutely incredible. If there is ever a show to go to this summer in Birmingham, this is it. Please come out and show your support to the Art Community and the artists! Come see my new work!
“pulp” , works on paper / works with paper
July 29 – September 30, 2011
opening Friday, July 29 @ 6.00 pm
(live music performance by opéra sextronique!!!)
beta pictoris gallery
with works by :
larry jens anderson, john bankston, doug baulos, jarrod beck, shana berger and
nathan purath, cecilia biagini, jürgen böheimer, sara cannon, johnny coley, bethany joy collins, clayton colvin, justin cooper, n. dash, john fields, jonathan gann, monique given, deborah grant, valerie green, jonathan hicks, pregrine honig, bonard hughins, deborah karpman, claire lewis evans, aaron lockhart, srdjan loncar, tameka norris, amy pleasant, rashid qandil, babs reingold, shana robbins, joel ross, suzanne sawyer, ellen siebers, kol solthon, vasile troian, matt wycoff, and john waters
facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=187442747941585